Date Change: December 2, 2023 - 9:00 AM Pacific
Discover the Game-Changing Power of AI: Your Shortcut to Business Transformation and Creative Mastery!
Curious about how AI ( ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE) can help your business? Join our workshop to quickly learn how to use AI tools, whether you're a beginner or have some experience. Explore all the cool things AI can do!
Welcome aboard! I’m Bob Doyle, your navigator on this exhilarating journey into the heart of AI. I’m fervently passionate about AI's boundless potential.
"To me, it's not just a tool, but a companion that empowers us to organize our thoughts, spark novel ideas on the fly, and automate the humdrum tasks, creating a ripple of transformation in our lives and work." - Bob Doyle
I’m thrilled to unveil the Magic of AI to you in a way that’s engaging and empowering!
Book your seat for the "AI for Beginners Workshop" on December 2, at 9am Pacific.
Reserve your place today, and let’s embark on this transformative adventure together!
Two Options!
You can watch and learn, OR actually be a part of the call where you will be the use-case to demonstrate the AI tools!
Happy to Spectate!
Perfect if you want to sit back, relax, and actually implement what you're learning LIVE on the call!
Learn how to use free tools without a huge learning curve and leverage AI starting that day!
Three hours of FUN AI training utilizing tools you can access for free!
Work along LIVE and learn by doing!
Learn to create reams of original content, based your your knowledge and passion
Three hours of FUN AI training!
Work along LIVE and learn by doing!
Learn to create reams of original content, based your your knowledge and passion
Let's work on
Your Business
Be a featured part of our training!
As a VIP, we'll be using YOU and YOUR BUSINESS as examples for using these tools.
That's right, we'll be actually creating content specific for your unique challenge or goals.
We'll use AI to tackle your specific business challenges as part of the training!
Special live Bonus session where we go deeper into your AI implementation!
Recording of the training with searchable summary for quick reference.
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